Reading Anselm: Context and Criticism

A conference to be held at Boston College, 27-30 July 2015.

For more details go to conference website.
This Blogsite is dedicated to the work and legacy of Anselm of Aosta, Bec and Canterbury, who died in Canterbury on 21 April 1109.

© 2008-2015 Ian Logan. All rights reserved.
To notify me of recent publications, forthcoming events or anything of interest to Anselm scholars, please contact me using the form provided:

Thursday 26 August 2010

Recent Publications - August 2010 - Updated


Chris Heathwood, 'The relevance of Kant's objection to Anselm's ontological argument' in Religious Studies, forthcoming.
Caveat lector: this paper addresses Plantinga's argument, not Anselm's.


David Hogg, 'Review of Benedicta Ward, Anselm of Canterbury: His Life and Legacy, SPCK 2009' in Speculum, 85 (2010) 750-751.

Ian Logan, 'Review of Sandra Visser and Thomas Williams, Anselm (Great Medieval Thinkers series), Oxford University Press 2009' in New Blackfriars, 91 (2010) 616-618.

Siobhan Nash-Marshall, 'Review of Sandra Visser and Thomas Williams, Anselm (Great Medieval Thinkers series), Oxford University Press 2009' in Speculum, 85 (2010) 748.
Identifies a (serious) problem with the kind of approach taken by Visser and Williams.

Sandra Visser, 'Review of Ian Logan, Reading Anselm's Proslogion: The History of Anselm's Argument and its Significance Today, Ashgate 2009' in Speculum, 85 (2010) 705-706.
I intend to respond to the reviews of my book in this blog when they have all come out. (I'm aware of two yet to be be published.)